Sunday, January 20, 2013

New Additions & An Unbelievable Miracle

New Additions to the Farm:
This blog is sort of chopped up and random but I hope you enjoy the new additions pictures and make sure you make it to the end to see the miracle pictures!

Our nice and clean green house got torn apart so that we could get a new roof. We went from a very old wooden roof to brand new plexiglass roof. This will help all of our micro-greens to get more sunshine. Unfortunately, we found out plexiglass does not hold in heat. So the first night we had our new addition, it frosted all of our precious plants. We had to throw them all away... 

We had a great time replanting though!

I rebuilt our old fire pit 


The new and improved!
(I'd like to add. My dad was an amazing
teacher when he taught me how to
build a fire!!)

Chase and I added a 300lb stump to our new
fire pit!! 

It is hard to explain just how incredibly huge these giraffe horses are...
To put it in perspective...

Take Chase's head...

And that is about the size of their hooves... 

It is literally like they are walking on four of his heads! 

There owner is volunteering to plow our fields with his horses just to get them some exercise! Win Win for both parties!! I'll post pictures once we get to see the horses in action! 

Just look at how ginormous they are!! 
There owner is AMAZING when it comes to training them. I witnessed the horses walking back to their trailer and on the way they were going to walk over an electrical cord. I watched the trainer whisper "step over" as they approached the cord and simultaneously the horses gently stepped over the cord!!! WHAT?! Crazy!! So impressed! 

Every day we are adding more and more to the farm. We have just finished adding about 13 new trees to our property. It was quite the project, being as the ground was rock solid and it took 4 adults to, just barely, weigh enough to break ground...

On our breaks we cool off in nice electrical trenches 

Some very sweet people dropped off a lovely card and a ginormous bag of carrots for the horses. It has provided a lot of entertainment for visitors and us, as well as a yummy new snack for our horses.  

The new barn cat, Barnie, has found all the nooks and crannies of the farm has provided me with tons of entertainment while watching Chase try to track him down and get him out of the deep dark crawl spaces! 

Blackmail!! :)

Our newest addition to the farm will be a new fence this week...

On Friday I finally overcame my fear of the Rooster and discovered a new found dread. Which is for any animal on the farm to get hurt. So far I have found there is nothing scarier than six spooked, galloping and bucking horses free from their pasture and loose on an open property. Some how all of our horses escaped their pasture around 4:00pm on Friday afternoon. So many things could have gone wrong, they could have gotten up to the main road, any of them could have fallen in the 24inch deep holes that are waiting to be filled with new posts and by the grace of God every single one of them were obtained unharmed. 
I am so thankful that Sue has been training Chase and I on how to handle the horses because without that training we wouldn't have been able to know exactly what to do and how to react. From this incident we lost a fence (don't know how) and had some pretty stressed out horses. 
After we got the horses back to their stalls and took a minute to clam down Chase and I walked the property to assess what happened. One of the scariest parts was the holes.....

If you can see....There are hoof prints that are just two feet away from over ten 24inch deep holes....There is NO WAY that galloping and bucking horses could have slalomed through the area with the holes and not fallen into one of them and snapped their leg!!

After checking the horses for any injuries I re-walked the property and just thanked God over and over and over again for keeping our horses safe, for containing them on our property and for keeping Chase and I safe. It was absolutely heart stopping to be surrounded by these untamable horses. 
It was a complete miracle that no one was hurt.
Thank you Jesus!! 

So much more to come!!

Sarah Ruth

Monday, January 7, 2013

Another blissful day on the Farm!

This is the newest member of our family at the barn...  
Barney, the Barn Cat!

We have TONS of mice!! So we decided it was time to invest in a good hunter so we wouldn't have to throw out any more of our micro-green beds... the mice started finding ways into them and decided it was a nice place to nest for the night! Hopefully Barney will become nice and fat and our Mice population will decrease. So sad. ->

On a happier note! Lots is being done to prepare for our incoming 100 Chickens, our baby goats, and the massive amount of produce that we will begin growing here soon. The horses have also moved into their new barn and are incredibly spoiled! They have self replenishing water that is slightly heated so it wont freeze. Beautiful clean beds, warm jackets to sleep in and their runs are all set up so they have a way to their new pasture. This stunning barn is coming together so nicely and is being fully stocked with antiques such as chests to hold the horses necessities and nicknacks. It feels so homie.
 I think I might just move in with the horses! :) Although I might start to smell......

 There is still so much to do!! (More pictures to come once we have finished the masterpiece!) We have also been working our tooshes off to clean up for the incoming season. We cleared out and reorganized the Green House to make way for the new plants that will soon be growing in there. Chase has been working so hard to put everything in pristine condition for the Spring as well as building an extension on the Goat Palace and brainstorming how to build 16 more chicken beds so the incoming chickens will have plenty of room for laying their eggs. 

Here is the green house after it was
cleaned out and prepped for the 
thousands of plants that will soon be 

I got to drive the tractor!
It was so much fun!!

My first tilled field! 

You know, for being such a city girl...I can't get enough of this little piece of country!!
Two of the thousands of reasons I love working at the farm are:
1) The sunrise
2) The sunset
Every time I am out here I get to see God paint a new canvass twice a day. It is never the same and it is always beautiful. I really enjoy waking up all the animals, giving them their breakfast and dinner and watching the farm come to life and settle in for the night.

One of my favorite nights on the farm so far was last Friday. We have been burning wood from the trails and after everyone was fed and tucked in Chase and I made our way down to the fire to make sure it was died down. (We also had to wait for the construction workers to leave). Fortunately for us the embers were still blazing hot. I made Chase and his wife brownies and we couldn't help but pull them out to enjoy a few near the fire. Chase had the brilliant idea to find a large stick to act as a spatula so we could place the brownies over the fire to warm up!
Lots of wood to burn! Amazing day for this pyro! 


Yesterday my family came to visit the farm!! 
They loved every second of it!
James got to sit on the Tractor just like his Auntie Sarah


They got to visit the Goats

James and Elli couldn't get enough of all the fun animal noises.


They also got to visit the horses.

Elli didn't like it as much...
James was very interested
but wouldn't get on the ponies.
The ponies are very friendly and
loved the extra attention.

My family LOVED the chickens!! 

James' eyes were HUGE the whole time!

Elli was considering whether to play with them or eat them!

The best part of their day was harvesting the chicken eggs. 
My sister and my mom had never harvested eggs before. 

Chase was so nice and gave our family some eggs to try! My parents got very into it and looked up how to properly clean the eggs! I LOVE how happy food makes people. Everything from filling our bodies to adding some joy into our day. That is a huge reason why I have chosen this career path!

Thanks again Chase!! 

Goodnight Farm! I love you!!!

Sarah Ruth